Strengthening Political Literacy Amongst the Youth

Supporting. Encouraging. Improving.

Established in April 2023, Generation-F, which stands for Generation Forward, is a non-profit, non-partisan initiative, which aims to strengthen political literacy amongst the youth, whether through extracurricular activities or knowledge sharing.

Check out our mission and values through the button below!

politics and art and humanities and history and music and science and philosophy

Intersection of Politics and Culture Summer Program

From the food we eat to the chair we’re sitting on, almost everything can be linked to politics. In this program, high school students get to research and write about the role of politics in five themes. Tap the button to learn more!

podcast talks politics youth funny educational

Our Talks 🗣️🗣️

Communication is the first step toward change. Let’s see what we’ve discussed so far.

publish articles and research papers on blog journal politics social science humanities journalism

Want to have your research articles or opinion articles published? Fill out the application form and have your essays on the internet through this very site!

THE blog 🙌

“Without the support of my community, this would not have been possible. Collaboration is everything, above all else.”

— Judy El Baba, Founder of Generation-F

Don’t Miss Our Instagram Page!!

unless you want to be a late bloomer…


  • There is no universally agreed international definition of the youth age group. For statistical purposes, however, the United Nations—without prejudice to any other definitions made by Member States—defines 'youth' as those persons between the ages of 15 and 24 years.

  • Generation-F was established in Lebanon, but that does not restrict individuals outside Lebanon all in all. Some activities can take place virtually from any corner around the world (e.g. blogging), while others may take place on Lebanese ground (e.g. Game Night Fundraiser Event.)

  • Depending on the program, you could enhance many of your soft skills, in addition to writing, reading, and research.

    They make good extracurriculars if you're interested in political and/or social science majors.

    Certificates of participation or award certificates count as solid evidence if added to your list of activities when applying to university.


Feel free to contact us with any questions.


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